Monday, May 20, 2013

Well, Fuck

It's already 2013 and I didn't do another review yet. Well, I am serious this time about blogging on here more. Why?
You may have noticed that I took down my EdenFantasys affiliate links. Why? I've gotten tons of free stuff from them, why would I suddenly cut ties with them?
Well, a lot of crap has happened recently. I already had a lot of evidence that the store wasn't being honest and fair with its employees but since I wasn't really generating much income for them anyway, I figured I would support the review platform anyway. Well... It would take forever for me to explain what happened myself so just know that I'm pretty sure the company's future is cloudy at best and my conscience pings every time I log in. Points be damned, I gotta get me some less questionable morals again. I'll be around until I get blog links from everyone I like on there, et cetera.
I have way too many toys so I'll be reviewing without sex site affiliation for a while (I might still add Amazon links if no one minds.) until I start getting more traffic.
If you have more info on the current EF situation either to cheer me up (I hate losing both the Eden forums and now potentially Tumblr as well in the same week.) or confirm my fears, feel free to contact me at
On the bright side, my reviews from now on will be NO. HOLDS. BARRED. I never was one to sugar coat but I always tried to acknowledge that not everyone's body is like mine with my stimulation needs in my Eden reviews but now I won't feel so bad if/when I go off on a rant about how awful a toy is. Oh, and I can swear like a sailor here. I don't think it was ever specifically banned on EF but I tried not to. This is hard for me.


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